I recently came across unclaimed.org. It is a national website to look for unclaimed money in states where you may have resided. There could be funds from unclosed bank accounts, safe deposit boxes, company refunds, utility deposits, etc. that you may have unknowingly left behind when you moved. I didn't believe it at first, but when I searched my hubby's name it said we had around $100.00 that belonged to us! I had Brandon print and fill out the paperwork and we mailed it in. We started to think maybe we weren't owed any money, that it was wrong, and we weren't getting anything. What do you think showed up in our mailbox on Saturday?? Yep, a check for almost $150! It only takes a minute to find your state, and to put in your name. Go search and make sure you don't have any missing money!
To see how other people are saving money, go on over to Life As Mom.
Very cool! I wouldn't have believed either! Thanks for the tip!
My neighbor found us on one of these lists and we got $70.00 back. Not too shabby!
Are you kidding me?!?!?!? Girl, I am on my way to the site now!!!!
I hope that you enjoyed your holiday!
Wow! I have to go check it out. Thanks for the link! Hope you had a good 4th of July!
I know, it's so cool!
I checked mine, and I got nada! LOL!
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