A recent conversation Kyle and I had on our way to church"Mommy, are my teachers going to miss me when we move to Mexico?"
"Yes, Baby, they'll miss you a lot"
"Mommy, is there a WalMart at Mexico?"
"Yes, Kyle, they have a WalMart in NEW Mexico"
"YES!!!!!!! Woooohoooo! Me love WalMart! Me so excited!"
*driving past the boat dealership*
"Mommy, me like that boat! Me want it."
"Sorry, Kyle, New Mexico doesn't have beaches"
*quite shocked* "What!? Aw, man! Mexico don't have beaches!?!?"
"Nope, New Mexico is just a desert, Baby"
"Mommy! Are there be cowboys there?!"
*me laughing and quite surprised he knew that cowboys live in deserts, told him "maybe"*
"Mommy, are those cowboys gonna ride horsies??"
That (almost four years old) boy of mine keeps me laughing!